Wonderful Tash! I recently changed into bathing suits with my 5 year old granddaughter who was utterly surprised by my bush. At 67, I've always had it. Women my age didn't shave when I was younger. She'd never seen one before. "You look like Daddy" she said."And Mommy looks like you," I thought to myself. I'm so glad you put voice and words to the power issue. My sentiments exactly.
I have a huge fangirl crush on a musician you may have heard of - King Princess. And in my obsessive scrolling through her (and other fans') Instagram, I saw a pic of her on a toilet with appallingly little pubic hair - if any. I scrutinized it, making the screen bigger to confirm, and then immediately went completely limp. I had to crawl out of my dazed bewilderment by obsessively watching another hour or so of interviews, etc to get it up for KP again. Better now. But yes, I find grown women's pubic hair aversion ridiculous and maddening. Taste me, smell me, feel me, get my hair caught in your throat... that's how I wanna be loved!
Wonderful Tash! I recently changed into bathing suits with my 5 year old granddaughter who was utterly surprised by my bush. At 67, I've always had it. Women my age didn't shave when I was younger. She'd never seen one before. "You look like Daddy" she said."And Mommy looks like you," I thought to myself. I'm so glad you put voice and words to the power issue. My sentiments exactly.
Thank you for reading Tina! Aww, wow. Such a cute anecdote. Thank you!
I have a huge fangirl crush on a musician you may have heard of - King Princess. And in my obsessive scrolling through her (and other fans') Instagram, I saw a pic of her on a toilet with appallingly little pubic hair - if any. I scrutinized it, making the screen bigger to confirm, and then immediately went completely limp. I had to crawl out of my dazed bewilderment by obsessively watching another hour or so of interviews, etc to get it up for KP again. Better now. But yes, I find grown women's pubic hair aversion ridiculous and maddening. Taste me, smell me, feel me, get my hair caught in your throat... that's how I wanna be loved!
Hear hear! Yes, love that, and it's a bummer our hair doesn't make more of an appearance out there in the world. Thank you for reading :)