Hello there,
I struggle to take time off. As a chronically anxious, recovering perfectionist who never believes I am enough, I often forget the importance of rest. I even spent $30 on a poster to remind me of this simple phrase:
“Rest is part of the process.”
So, this is a bittersweet note to announce that I am taking a couple of weeks off from posting the Misseducated newsletter. The next date you can expect to hear from me is Friday, September 6th. Over the next few weeks, I’m traveling to LA for my grandmother’s birthday, then to New York for a friend’s wedding. Plus, I’m taking this “vacation” to write my second novel, if that tells you anything about my always-on personality.
Of course, I love writing to you all every week and will miss you terribly! As a thank you, I wanted to leave you with some summer reading. Below, I’ve curated the most popular Misseducated posts of 2024 so far. I’m experimenting with taking the paywall off so that everyone, including my free subscribers, can enjoy them for a couple of weeks this summer. The paywall is a question I’m constantly wrestling with, but for now, I want everyone to be able to read my work. Yay! Please feel free to pause your paid subscriptions if you are month-to-month.
I also want to take a moment to express how grateful I am to you, my wonderful readers! Your support of my work encourages me to keep building the life of my dreams and working to become a full-time writer.
I love you, and I will be back soon,
Tash Doherty
💌 ✍️
Author of These Perfectly Careless Things, a cuming-of-age teen romance novel 📚Host of Sex Writing Workshops (next one on Thursday September 19th)
Misseducated Summer Reading List 🏖️ 📚
Top 3 Posts of 2024 so far:
“My Hard Biological Truth” is unlocked for free subscribers 🔓 ✨
Tash’s Favorite 3 Posts of 2024 so far:
“The Little Things” is unlocked for free subscribers 🔓 ✨
It’s always interesting to me that the posts I loved writing the most aren’t always the fan favorites. So here are my favorites…
Top 3 Articles on TashDoherty.com
My other secret blog (yes, I admit, I am cheating on you and writing on another website!)
Sex Writing Workshop
The next Sex Writing Workshop will be on Thursday, September 19th 🥳.
Your Next Beach Read 🏖️
My novel is now available in print in the UK, Germany, South Africa, and more! 🌎 If you already bought my book, please leave me a review on Amazon. It would help me immensely! 💌 ✍️