Hey Everyone,
Thank you SO much for subscribing to, reading and commenting on Misseducated, and making my dream of becoming a professional writer come true this year 🤗.
In case you missed them, here’s a roundup of my best articles from 2022 ✍️:
👩❤️💋👨 I Pegged My Boyfriend
Reflecting on the whirlwind of 2022, I have a couple things I learnt that I want to share with you. On January 3rd (on my birthday at the beginning of this year), I started the UnMute writing class with Ann Randolph. I had been working my novel on and off for a long time, and I was looking for creative techniques to help me hone my craft. Little could I have predicted what happened next. That one small step of joining Ann’s class turned into almost fifty written pieces, writing thousands of words, relaunching this Substack and gaining a budding group of amazing readers. All in the space of one year. And some of my readers are paying for extra stories about my romantic life. Wow!
This year I learnt that if there is something that you want to do in your life, it’s up to you to make it happen. And it starts with a small first step. Call deep on your courage and take that initiative. No one else is going to give you that permission. No one else is going to set aside that time. And if you get lucky, and someone offers you an opportunity that is a step in the right direction, take it. Take the class. Buy the flights. Apply for the position. It will probably change your life.
So, what can you expect from Misseducated in 2023? Looking at my best pieces, it seems that people find it meaningful and useful when I go deeper into a topic. Those pieces take a couple weeks to write and are about 3,000 words. So, in the New Year, I’m going to experiment with fewer but longer free articles. For my paid articles, I want to continue to challenge myself by sharing my approach to sexuality, which has been so much fun so far. No more updates there for now.
I’ve decided to take the last two weeks of the year off because, frankly, publishing two articles per week has been a lot harder than I thought it would be, and I want to regroup (with myself, lol) and start planning for what I’m going to write for y’all in the New Year. There are also a couple more literary agents I want to pitch with my novel to in the New Year before I get started with self-publishing. Sorry I am still on the fence about publishing, but I recently uncovered a major reason why the agents have been rejecting me (a lot of them weren’t hooked enough by the first 10 pages of my manuscript), so I don’t want to give up on that yet. My paid subscribers will get a free copy of the book either way.
Lastly, in addition to the support of my family and friends, I’d love to thank my communities in ITAA (Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous) and London Writers’ Salon. I’m now just over four months sober from YouTube and reality TV, and I could not have done it without the ITAA program. The London Writers’ Salon has greatly expanded my virtual writing community and my concept of what is possible with my work, and for that I am so grateful.
Lots of love,
P.S. Please send me your feedback on Misseducated! Did you love one post? Did you dislike another? What could be better? 🙌